DATE Groom From Bride From Place Married
Record Source
Terrence Crocker's Cove, Newfoundland Mary Roman Catholic Priest,
Crocker's Cove House Raised Keith Matthews Files
1776 Oct KENNEDY Lawrence Fowlo ? Joan
St. John's Anglican, Newfoundland
St. John's Anglican, Newfoundland
KENNEDY Nicholas Crocker's Cove, Newfoundland KING Eliz
Crocker's Cove, Nfld Harbor Grace Records KMF
1788 Oct 30 KENNEDY Terrence CLARK Mary Harbor
Grace Ang Church (St. Pauls) NFGEN
KENNEDY William Waterford City, Waterford County Ireland
SHEA Bridget St. John's, Nfld St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Hugh BB, Nfld* WILLIAMS Rosy BB, Nfld St. John's
RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY William Harbor Grace, Nfld WARFORD Dinah Harbor Grace, Nfld Harbor
Grace Anglican Records , Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Patrick BB, Nfld* GLYNN Mary BB, Nfld
St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Francis Co. Tipperary ROACH Mary Co. Waterford St.
John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY James St. John's Nfld LAKEY ?Lahey Mary St. John's, Nfld
St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
McCarthy Chas KENNEDY Patience BB, Nfld St. John's Roman Catholic, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Edmund Nfld DOYLE Eliz Nfld St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Dennis Co. Wexford, Ireland WHITE Bridget Co. Kilkenny, Ireland St.
John's RC, Nfld
KENNEDY John Co. Wexford, Ireland LAHY Mary St. John's, Nfld St. John's RC, Nfld
KENNEDY James Carrick (Tipp.border?) Ire CONNELLY Francis Carrick,
Ire St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY William St. John's, Nfld VINNICOME Griselda St. John's, Nfld St. John's
RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Daniel Co. Kilkenny, Ireland CONWAY Judy Co. Kilkenny, Ireland St.
John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Daniel Co. Kilkenny, Ireland FITGERALD (Fitzgerald) Bridget Co. Kilkenny,
Ireland St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Patrick (perhaps same as 1819) RYAN Mary St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Patrick Co. Kilkenny, Ireland RYAN Mary Co. Kilkenny, Ireland St.
John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY John Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford KELLY Ellen Co. Waterford (Mallenteher)
St. John's RC, Nfld KMF
KENNEDY Thomas Co. Cork, Ireland Faney ? Elenor Tilton, Nfld Tilton RC, Nfld KMF
Below are additional files from research conducted by Jill Marshal that needs to be incorporated into the above index.
MARRIAGES from the St John’s Roman Catholica Basilica (Box 8)
?Feb 7 1819 Patrick KENNEDY, Mucahee County, Kilkenny & Mary RYAN, Ponerstown/Powerstown, same County.
WIT: Jeffrey Power, Thomas Walsh
Feb 15? 1820 Thomas KENNEDY, of the parish of Adamstown, Co. Wexford & Anastatia WHITE, of the Parish of the same place.
WIT: Walter Burth??, Catrina Bryan?
Jul 9 1822 Patrick KENNEDY, of Bally Cahill, Co Tip. Bridget McDANNELL?, of ?Zoar, Co. Kilkenny.
WIT: Patrick Costello, Judith Brien.
Sep __ 1822 Peter DAILEY or DALLEY, Thurles, Co. Tiperary & Mary KENNEDY, St. John’s.
WIT: (1st witness illegible), Mary Williams
Nov 25 1823 Michael HEARNS, Parish __nnisleagan?, Co., Kilkenny & Mary KENNEDY, of Waterford.
WIT: Morgan Kennedy, Mary Hartry
Dec 18 1823 William BURN, Co. Kilkenny & Honora KENNEDY, of the same place.
WIT: Thomas Tobin, Bridget Hanrahan
May 2? 1824 Thomas MYLES, Waterford & Alice KENNEDY, St. John’s
WIT: John Downs, Eleanor Downs
Oct 27 1827 “Pow’d” KENNEDY, Bell Island & Ellen TUCKER, residence not given.
WIT: George Reed, Mary Mahon
NOTES: 1st name of groom illegible; obtained 2 second opinions but nobody could read it.
Feb __ 1828 Tho. McNAMARA, St. John’s & Mary MEAGHER, Ferryland.
WIT: Isabel Langreshe, William Ca__a?
NOTES: date was illegible as it was again on the part of the page that curved in to the spine.
June __ 1828 Jam’s KENNEDY, of ?Tuleow, Co. Kilk’y? & Bridget AYLWARD, residence not given
WIT: Peirce Butler, Mary Roach NOTES: date illegible as per prev entry
June __ 1828 Patk CORBETT?, residence not given & Cath. MEAGHER, residence not given
WIT: George Curry?, Ellen Power NOTES: date illegible as per prev entry
Sep __ 1828 Timothy KENNEDY, Harbour Grace & Johanna PALMER, residence not given
WIT: Daniel Caus_in?, Ann? Robbinson NOTES: date illegible as per prev entry
Nov 8 1828 Pierce KENNEDY (or KARNEDY?) of T_am_?, Co. Waterford & Mary POWER?, residence not given.
WIT: John Dunn, Johanna Lavel?
Nov __ 1828 Richard LAHEY, Harbour Grace & Ellen MEAGHER, Carrick-on-Suir?
WIT: Janet Condon, Ellisa (or Ellen?) Power
Nov 27 1828 Patrick KENNEDY, of Sutton Parish, Co. Wexford Mary MAHER, of Clonmel?, Co. Tipperary.
WIT: Nicholas Dra___?, Catherine Byrne (1st witness’s surname unable to be read as page curved in to the spine).
Dec 26 1828 Pat CONLY & Mary KENNEDY (residences not given) WIT: Pat? Kavana(gh), Elisabeth Butler
KENNEDY John Long Pond, Nfld BUTLER Ann Long Pond, Nfld St. John's Ang,
Nfld KMF
*It is not clear where BB refers to I thought it was Bonavista Bay another file at the Grand Banks site took it to mean Bay Bulls only a look at the archives again could say for sure.