Will of John Kennedy
Volume 10 folio 29-30, Probate Year
transcribed from LDS film of Newfoundland Will Books
In re John Kennedy deceased.
I John Kennedy M.M. (Master Mariner) Of Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland
being of sound mind and memory do this Twenty ninth day of October A.D. one
thousand nine hundred and twelve, make and publish this my last will and
testament thereby revoking and annulling all and any other wills previously made
by me.
I give and bequeath unto my three sons William J. Kennedy Stanislaus Kennedy and
Nicholas Kennedy all my right title and interest in and belonging to a fishing
room situate at Sloop Cove Labrador with all fishing & tackle such as traps
boats moorings grapnels and all other fishing gear in connection with said
fishing room and used by me in the prosecution of the codfishery, to be equally
divided and owned by them, but this shall not include any part of portion of my
possessions previously granted or in any way disposed of previously.
I give and bequeath unto my wife Margaret Kennedy my right title and interest in
and belonging to a life policy in the name of my son Stanislaus Kennedy and held
by me in possession. I also give and bequeath unto my wife my dwelling house
situate in the court house fire break with the land on which it is built with
all other connections and privileges belonging thereto
I also give and bequeath unto my wife Margaret Kennedy my household furniture
and effects not herein previously mentioned to be used by her as she may think
fit during her life and at the time of her death to be disposed of as she may
deem right and proper. And I hereby appoint my son William J. Kennedy my sole
executor of this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand on the date herein written - John his
X mark Kennedy -
Signed by the Testator in our presence of us and signed by us in presence of
each other as witnesses in the date herein written Patrick Joy Thomas P. Finn
Certified Correct.
D. M. Browning
April 10/13
C. J.
April 12/13
granted to
Wm. J. Kennedy
sworn at
Transcribed by Joanne Connors